Wednesday 28 August 2013

Flower fairy

Being a lover of beautiful things, like flowers and mystical beings such as fairies, I decided to combine these two concepts into a photoshoot. My lovely sister was kind enough to take pictures. Here a few to show you. :)

Thank you for reading. <3

Sunday 25 August 2013

First post- my birthday

Just a short post to start things off.

So yesterday, 25th August 2013, was my birthday! :) I turned 18 and in England this means I am now 'officially an adult'.

I will be doing more to celebrate this weekend, but I did go to Wagamama, with my mum and younger sister, Ceci (I would say little, but she's taller than me! >.<)

Enjoying my ramen. Ceci had some cha han.

When I got home, I enjoyed this HUGE Colin the Caterpillar Cake XD. I love chocolate. (I haven't eaten it all myself though! :))

Thanks for reading. x