Well, I've actually wanted to get into modelling for a while.
So with a mind to build my portfolio, I got in touch with a local photographer to arrange a shoot.
There was some delay due to poor weather, but this was only a minor inconvenience and we were able to have the shoot about two weeks ago.
I decided to wear Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. It hasn't let me down this far. It was quite a simple outfit in regards to lolita, but I didn't want to wear anything too showy.
It's funny, because this outfit is quintessentially sweet, even though I feel myself moving away from sweet nowadays and aiming for a more mature style. Not quite classic, but more of a sweet-classic hybrid. So this is probably as sweet as I'll get.
All photos are taken by the lovely Rosie https://www.flickr.com/people/resmiff/
Thank you Rosie for the photographs. It was so nice to meet you! ( ^ω^ )