Sunday 17 May 2015

Working 9-5

This is going to be quite a quick post/ thought dump.

Well, I started my first full time job. I'm happy, because I can save money for University (and also pretty clothes), and my coworkers are very friendly. But it does mean that my time has become more restricted. I'm not complaining - with the right organisation I should still be able to do the things I want to do, but I haven't got the hang of it yet.

And what with my modelling at weekends, I'm a busy girl indeed. Therefore, my Japanese ability has slipped. It's never been that great, but I'd like to think that it's at least somewhat fairly conversational. And now I feel bad because I can't communicate well. I met some lovely people through the language and the thought of letting them down...

As one of my dear friends (whom I sorely miss) said, maybe one day we'll get the hang of this work/life balance.