Sunday, 8 February 2015

The History of Genesis - Jupiter

I wanted to post this earlier this week, but between my new job and everything else, it's been delayed a bit, sorry! Also, it's been a long time since I've properly written anything, so I've had a hard time getting my thoughts out. Forgive me if I seem a little 'clunky' in my ramblings!

Picture from (free to use.)

Since ARCADIA and 氷の中の少女didn't get international releases in CD format (they were available as digital downloads, but I much prefer having a physical copy), the last CD I had from Jupiter was LAST MOMENT, so suffice to say, I was eager to have something new. If only to bulk up the section of my CDs under the letter 'J' (I arrange my CDs alphabetically). Which was rather slim, in contrast to... Well, what comes next after J?

My quest in being completely and irrevocably impartial aside, I was very much looking forward to hearing new music from Jupiter.

I think the whole feel of the album is something that is becoming familiar and emerging as a trait that Jupiter show in their music. They primarily deal with the concept of love and beauty, as shown in gorgeous ballads such as The Moon. Some might say that such things can becoming tiring, but actually I feel that love and beauty can be expressed in so many different ways - there is room for multitudes of interpretations - that ideas, in this case, expressed in sound, can be ever-changing and renewed.  

But, there is also another element to Jupiter's sound: A darker force that puts an edge to the music, most prominently seen in Darkness. This intense, gothic element, intermixed with the soft, yet powerful element of love, create a juxtaposition which, as I have said, seems to be the core trait of Jupiter's sound. In this sense, I feel now that Jupiter have a more solid idea of their concept and with this sense of surety, they are progressing confidently forward. At least in the sense that their band unity has improved - they seem much more 'together.' I think Zin has had plenty of time to 'gel' with the other members, thus creating a better atmosphere for their work.

To talk more of themes, Jupiter definitely seem to be reaching to something otherworldly, or in the beyond - I'm not only talking about space. Although Teru's artwork is lovely. Hizaki has cited Greek myths as an influence, which I find slightly amusing, as words like 'Jupiter' and 'Venus' are of Latin (Roman) origin. But one can see how this influence might give a feeling of something of the divine in 'The History of Genesis'.

As for my favourites, well, I have a few, but they are liable to change as I listen more to the album. Perhaps in two or three months I will be more certain. At the moment I'm particularly liking 氷の中の少女 and Birth of Venus.

One song that I would say is 'the song', would be Church Candle. It is a very Hizaki-like song. When I first heard the snippet on the preview, immediately, without knowing the writer, I thought: Hizaki. It is a beautiful instrumental piece that transports one to Hizaki's unique world. I feel at peace.

Now I feel that Jupiter have a solid idea of what they are about, they need to continue making music that shares the hearts of all members. And not stray from their own selves by trying too hard to reach a wider audience. I think they're going to be fine.

A preview of the album is available here:

The History of Genesis is available to buy from CDJapan.

Regular Edition:

Limited Edition (with DVD):

Birth of Venus PV:


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