Monday 1 December 2014

Hello Kitty is 40 times cuter than you. Alternatively named: Why is cuteness only for little girls?

Hello Kitty is undisputedly popular. Her image is everywhere - on purses, bags, make-up, t-shirts, jewellery, plates, cushions; in the form of figurines, small plushies, big plushies...

The list goes on.

Kitty's co-stars however, the equally cute My Melody, Cinnamoroll and Little Twin Stars, to name a few, are seemingly absent in the U.K.

Yet Hello Kitty remains.

Kitty was most probably the first taste of 'kawaii' that I had growing up. It is not too much to say that her infectious sweetness imprinted upon me a fondness for everything cute. Which is maybe why, when I first saw Lolita fashion, I was instantly attracted.

Even though I have moved away from the sugary pinkness of super-sweet, preferring the princessly elegance of more classical leanings, Hello Kitty still has a place in my heart.

Which is why I decided to 'kawaii-up' this Sunday, to go to a Hello Kitty birthday event this weekend, marking 40 years of Miss Kitty White, the cutest cat-like little girl from London. 

Mandatory selfies included.

The event, a very small function at a local town, was rather erroneously advertised as a Hello Kitty birthday party, for the first half-hour saw no Kitty, but a children's entertainer. He was very good at his job, but I wanted to see Kitty!

Eventually I lined up behind 30 other small children to have my picture taken with 'Kitty' (a lady in a costume, but, shh! the children!). 

Cute, right?

It is apparent that while Hello Kitty has been welcomed with open arms, the kawaii-ness that comes with her is still very much a concept largely reserved for children. A pigtailed 9 year old with a penchant for Miss White? Sure. Someone 10 years older? (Although, someone thought I was 12 years old the other day.) Perish the thought.

Oh well. 

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Adélaide does some modelling?!

Hello readers. (・ω・)ノ

I'd like to talk to you about something exciting that has happened.

Recently, I was asked to model for the local 'camera club'. A dear friend and neighbour who is a member of the club saw some of my photos and wondered if I would be interested in taking part. Of course I agreed. 

I prepared two lolita outfits to showcase. I think they both show my style preferences very well. I also styled my hair and did my own make-up in preparation. The whole shoot lasted about two hours. It was quite tiring work, but a lot of fun.

 As I would sometimes have about seven people photographing me at one time, it was difficult to know where to look and when to change position, but I think I managed. Sometimes, I would just have the one photographer working with me, telling me to hold a certain look or pose. 

I have recieved some photos, which I will show now. 

Photography/Editing: Mike Farrow

Photography/Editing: Nigel Norris

Photography/Editing: Peter Malcolm

Photography/Editing: Robin White

Photography/Editing: Cath Farrow

(As a side-note: Please do not repost without permission.)

I am so happy with how well it went. The photographers all seemed very pleased with me. I learned a lot from the experience and would love to do something like that again soon. Actually, I talked about possible career goals, but... we'll see. (^_−)−☆

Thank you for reading. <3

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Far away October ~ She dreams in her enchanted world of the Princess.

That title seems like something from Baby the Stars Shine Bright, doesn't it? Well~

Despite having visited Chichester Cathedral only a couple of months ago,  I could not resist seeing it again. Such a beautiful and glorious place. So awesome and gorgeous. <3

We had intended to take some photos here, but we ran into some complications. (。-_-。) First of all, my sister's camera stopped working - the pictures came out blurry - and Ceci could my find anyway to fix it. So after a frustrating time, I thought "Oh, just forget it!" And we went to have some lunch.

After a relaxing lunch, having calmed down, we decided to take some shots with my iPhone. It is not the best camera, but it is better than nothing and I just wanted SOMETHING for all that effort. We found a little place that was just outside the Cathedral, and the result is what you see here:

Outtake close-up:

After, we decided to have a walk in the gardens. And then, by a miracle, Ceci's camera started working! Well actually, she inserted the correct camera card, having the wrong one in earlier. But anyway, having the camera finally sorted, meant we could take some more photos. It was well in to the afternoon by the time we got to taking these, so I'm sorry they are not the best. 

I really love wearing Hime Lolita, even though this is quite a simple coordinate. My hair was curly, but I think stress got to me. D: The one-piece dress is in a gorgeous tone of my favourite red colour, but because of its styling I can not wear it often. In photos and from a distance, the tights look plain, but they actually feature an embossed pattern. I chose my jewellery in my favourite motifs of crosses and roses. The shoes are not strictly lolita, but I think for this kind of look, they match quite well.

Thank you for reading; hope you liked it. ^^ 


Monday 6 October 2014

The Lady wears a corset.

I like the free, fresh, wind in my hair...Life without care...

Sorry, I have Gaga on the brain.

Anyway, as you will know, I often wear lolita fashion, but sometimes, I like to try something a bit different. This look is all very impromptu, but I hope you like it.

I pinned my fringe out of the way for this look, but I'd never grow it out. At least for now.

Thank you for reading. ( ^ω^ )

Saturday 4 October 2014

Cheek to Cheek <3

Last week, I received my copy of Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga's new album: 'Cheek to Cheek' (Deluxe Edition) in the mail.

It is Gaga's first Jazz album, and how wonderful it is! I have kept myself blissfully ignorant to the world of jazz and I do not pretend otherwise. So I bought the album with an air of indifference. Of course, I had some excitement, otherwise I may as well not have bought it all! It is Gaga after all, and the Lady makes you believe in her, believe in something she is so obviously passionate about. I had listened to the tracks shown on youtube and I at least liked them. At least. So there was that: I would at least 'like' the album.

I was not disappointed. There is such a warmth in the music, that it is a joy to listen to. Tony and Lady's voices melt together, creating this golden sound that is at once rich and free. It is the kind of music that makes me want to put on pearls and dream the world away, just because. Gaga does not have to tell you she loves it. You can feel it.

Thank you for reading. ^^

Monday 29 September 2014

Fairy wishes.

When life gets too much, I take time alone in the forest. 

It is a tranquil solace away from the harsh realities of life. There, I am in a dream.

I am scared. I want to know if it will all be worth it in the end. Floating endlessly to a place I know not.

Perhaps my fairy dust can help me.

Make a wish, that everything will be all right and all manner of things will be well and good. Do I dare to hope?

What would you wish for?

Sunday 28 September 2014

Just a little note.

Following from a rather scary recent personal experience, I thought I'd share this post I saw recently on tumblr.

 Image credits go to princessblogonoke on tumblr. 

I feel it's important that we know how to better look after one another. (*^^*) Of course, we all make mistakes and sometimes it's hard to remember the right thing to do in the heat of the moment, but if you know even just a little, perhaps you can make someone feel just a little better. ☆彡

Thank you very much. X

Last of the summer rose.

Wore this outfit for a short trip to town this Saturday. 

I've just recently finished customised in this dress by sewing roses at the hem. ^^; It's a very summery look but it's still quite warm in England. 

I had this cheese and tomato tart for lunch. 

After that, I had some chocolate ice-cream... ( ^ω^ )

Saturday 27 September 2014


I'm sorry this a bit late, but I'm having so many problems with the blogger app! I hope you can understand. (u_u)

Last Saturday, I participated in my first lolita meet-up event. I went to 'Revelry', The Tea Party Club's 7th Anniversary event. (The Tea Party Club is a London based group for Lolita fashion in the U.K.)

As it was my very first event, I was very apprehensive and I was slightly overwhelmed to be around so many pretty Lolitas! (´・_・`)

But I soon became much more relaxed; everyone I talked to was so lovely. Thank you for making my day great!

The most memorable part of the day was  the fashion show. We got to see new designs from guests of honour Grimoire and Metamorphose! 
Pictures can be found here:

I would like to have been chosen to model, but I understand that I can't have everything! So I spent the duration of the show looking wistfully at the lovely girls who were chosen. XD My favourite piece would have to be the all white lace dress. It has such an angelic and dreamy air. ☆

I only purchased one thing at the event: this pretty little tissue case. 

Since I am extremely careful with my money, it took me a while I find anything that I absolutely HAD to have until I saw this. It's so pretty!

I will leave you with some pictures of my outfit for the day. 

Thank you for reading! (・ω・)ノ

Sunday 31 August 2014

Birthday 2014

It's finally time for a new post! I don't post often enough do I? Well, I never know what to write! XD
I had a quiet birthday this year; just went out to the shops with my mother and brother.

One of the presents I received was this gorgeous dress: Baby the Stars Shine Bright's 'Versailles Rose Bouquet' Jumperskirt in Red! (≧∇≦)

We visited a tea room located on a barge. It was very sweet! I tried a special blend of tea called 'Snow White'. To be honest, I can't quite remember what the tea tasted like, but it must have been good, right? XD

I also received Misako Aoki's Lolita Fashion Book! <3